How to Build an iOS Toolchain for Linux (Debian 7)

By , 4 April 2015

How to Build an iOS Toolchain for Linux (Debian 7)
How to Build an iOS Toolchain for Linux (Debian 7)

After jailbreaking an iPhone I discovered it was a device that had more behind it than just a dumbed down user interface. I had unlocked a unix operating system with a complete package manager (cydia/apt) and development tools to boot. This was pretty cool, I could even compile programs for iPhone on an iPhone.

Cool, yes. But perhaps not very practical for developing complex applications. For that you need a mac right?

Well... no. You don't.

Look at the tools under the hood and you'll see it is a mostly open source stack powered by clang, llvm and a custom linker for the darwin/mach kernel. This article will show you how to build an iOS toolchain for Linux Debian 7 (Wheezy). It is basically a fork of the instructions on the iOS Clang Toolchain installation page but has been updated for Debian 7 and includes a few little patches and tweaks here and there.

How to Build an iOS Toolchain for Linux (Debian 7)

Step 1. Install Clang

Clang and llvm compile C, C++ and Objective-C to machine code. They support ARM targets out of the box so we use the upstream versions. We're using the 3.4 version of llvm because some issues have been reported with the 3.5 version.

  • remove any old llvm versions
    # apt-get remove llvm-* libllvm-*
  • add the llvm-3.4 repos to apt
    # echo 'deb llvm-toolchain-wheezy-3.4-binaries main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    # wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    # apt-get update
  • install clang and dependencies
    # apt-get install clang-3.4 libclang-3.4-dev llvm-3 4 libtool bison flex automake
  • add llvm-3.4 libraries to the linker library path
    # echo '/usr/lib/llvm-3.4/lib' > /etc/
    # ldconfig
  • create symlinks for llvm headers and config command
    # ln -s /usr/lib/llvm-3.4/bin/llvm-config /usr/bin/llvm-config
    # ln -s /usr/include/llvm-3.4/llvm /usr/include/llvm
    # ln -s /usr/include/llvm-c-3.4/llvm-c /usr/include/llvm-c

Step 2. Build the linker (cctools)

The GNU linker cannot create binaries for iOS, so we have to build the Apple linker which is made easier by the fork maintained in the toolchain project.

  • checkout the cctools project
    # svn checkout
  • edit and patch to use wget instead of proz
    #proz -k=20  --no-curses $LD64_URL
    wget $LD64_URL
  • checkout and patch the linker source
    # ./
  • build the compiler tools
    # cd cctools-855-ld64-236.3
    # ./
    # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --target=arm-apple-darwin11
    # make
    # make install
  • create a symlink the new linker
    # mv /usr/bin/ld /usr/bin/ld.old
    # ln -s /usr/local/bin/arm-apple-darwin11-ld /usr/bin/ld

Note this installs a new linker (ld) in /usr/bin. If you're building C apps for your local system you'll have to restore the old linker by reversing those last two commands. The two linkers are not compatible.

Step 3. Install ios-tools

These tools come from the toolchain project (again) and include utilities to make builds easier such as converting xcode projects to Makefiles and configuring the location of the SDK.

  • download iphonesdk-utils
    # wget
    # tar -zxf iphonesdk-utils-2.0.tar.gz
  • or checkout from svn
    # svn co
  • patch genLocalization2/getLocalizedStringFromFile.cpp
*** getLocalizedStringFromFile.cpp~    2015-04-02 04:45:39.309837816 +0530
--- getLocalizedStringFromFile.cpp    2015-04-02 04:45:11.525700021 +0530
*** 113,115 ****
      clang::HeaderSearch headerSearch(headerSearchOptions,
-                                      fileManager,
--- 113,115 ----
      clang::HeaderSearch headerSearch(headerSearchOptions,
+                                      sourceManager,
*** 129,134 ****
-     clang::HeaderSearch headerSearch(fileManager,
-                                      pTargetInfo);
      ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(headerSearch, headerSearchOptions, languageOptions, pTargetInfo->getTriple());
--- 129,134 ----
+     clang::HeaderSearch headerSearch(fileManager);/*,
+                                      pTargetInfo);*/
      ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(headerSearch, headerSearchOptions, languageOptions, pTargetInfo->getTriple());
  • build iphonesdk-utils
    # ./
    # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
    # make
    # make install

The patch above is just to get it to compile and may break something in that utility (ios-genLocalization). It is necessary because the llvm API has been changing frequently.

Step 4. Install the SDK

You're now ready to build apps for iOS, but chances are you will be wanting to use libraries from the iOS SDK, so you might as well download it now. The SDK ships with xcode and is difficult to extract (thanks Apple!) but there are some pre-extracted versions available online.

Step 5. Hello World!

ios-createProject includes a sample HelloWorld app you can build with your new tools. If all goes well, it'll be running on your iPhone in a couple of minutes :) You will need OpenSSH installed on your iPhone, which can be installed with cydia or apt-get.

  • create helloworld project
    # ios-createProject
    Choose a Template: 0 (Application)
    Select a Project Name: HelloWorld
  • build and deploy
    # make
    # make install IPHONE_IP=<your iphone ip>

Have fun, let me know how you go in the comments below.


You're a software developer, you're used to this shite right? Your first port of call is probably the GitHub issues for the toolchain project. If you post some patches in the comments below though I'll add them here to help people along a bit.

# ios-clang -c -objc-arc -fblocks -g0 -O2 -I"." HelloWorldApplication.m -o HelloWorldApplication.o
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  basic_string::substr

The above error is caused by ios-clang being unable to find the cctools binaries. Make sure you have /usr/local/bin on your PATH and check the binaries have been installed (they all start with arm-apple-darwin11.

invalid option for ld: -dynamic

This error occurs when you try to link using the GNU linker (or some other linker). Make sure you symlink /usr/local/bin/arm-apple-darwin11-ld to /usr/bin/ld.

About Roger Keays

How to Build an iOS Toolchain for Linux (Debian 7)

Roger Keays is an artist, an engineer, and a student of life. He has no fixed address and has left footprints on 40-something different countries around the world. Roger is addicted to surfing. His other interests are music, psychology, languages, the proper use of semicolons, and finding good food.

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Comment posted by: Dávid, 8 years ago


When I tried to compile the helloWorld project but I got this error:
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 255 (use -v to see invocation)

Can you give me some point to solve this problem?


Comment posted by: Hossain, 9 years ago

i like your article it is helps, but i have question can i compiler dyld ?

Comment posted by: John C., 9 years ago


Is this project at a similar project or something completely different. What advice can you give about it?



Comment posted by: John C., 9 years ago


Is this project at a similar project or something completely different. What advice can you give about it?



Comment posted by: , 9 years ago

Hi Mathew,

This error occurs because /usr/bin/ld is now symlinked to the apple ld. I guess I got some steps out of order in the tutorial. You'll have to fix the link to /usr/bin/ld. If you followed this instructions step by step you should be able to do

# rm /usr/bin/ld
# ln -s /usr/bin/ld.old /usr/bin/ld

Then you'll have to update the symlink to the apple ld for building ios apps. It's annoying, but the ios-toolchain support apps expect /usr/bin/ld to be the apple one.

Comment posted by: Mathew, 9 years ago


I've followed your steps closely but when I get to build iphonesdk-utils it fails on the configure and tells me:

configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables

I made a quick hello world cpp to troubleshoot and when compiling with g++ I get:

g++ -o m main.cpp
ld: unknown option: --sysroot=/ 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Have any ideas?