How to Test if a File is PDF (Java)

By , 26 February 2016

How to Test if a File is PDF (Java)
How to Test if a File is PDF (Java)

Here is a simple java function to check if some data represents a PDF file. It is adapted from a C# function posted on Stack Overflow by NinjaCross.

     * Test if the data in the given byte array represents a PDF file.
    public static boolean is_pdf(byte[] data) {
        if (data != null && data.length > 4 &&
                data[0] == 0x25 && // %
                data[1] == 0x50 && // P
                data[2] == 0x44 && // D
                data[3] == 0x46 && // F
                data[4] == 0x2D) { // -

            // version 1.3 file terminator
            if (data[5] == 0x31 && data[6] == 0x2E && data[7] == 0x33 &&
                    data[data.length - 7] == 0x25 && // %
                    data[data.length - 6] == 0x25 && // %
                    data[data.length - 5] == 0x45 && // E
                    data[data.length - 4] == 0x4F && // O
                    data[data.length - 3] == 0x46 && // F
                    data[data.length - 2] == 0x20 && // SPACE
                    data[data.length - 1] == 0x0A) { // EOL
                return true;

            // version 1.3 file terminator
            if (data[5] == 0x31 && data[6] == 0x2E && data[7] == 0x34 &&
                    data[data.length - 6] == 0x25 && // %
                    data[data.length - 5] == 0x25 && // %
                    data[data.length - 4] == 0x45 && // E
                    data[data.length - 3] == 0x4F && // O
                    data[data.length - 2] == 0x46 && // F
                    data[data.length - 1] == 0x0A) { // EOL
                return true;
        return false;

The function takes a byte[] to make it possible to test data in streams and files. To read a file into a byte array you can use java.nio.Files.readAllBytes, e.g:


You'll have to handle the IOExceptions from those methods too. To test streamed output, just render to a ByteArrayOutputStream and call the getBytes() method after the output has rendered.

The unit tests for this function are below. Please feel free to contribute test cases, especially ones that fail.

    public void test_valid_pdf_1_3_data_is_pdf() {
        assertTrue(is_pdf("%PDF-1.3 CONTENT %%EOF \n".getBytes()));

    public void test_valid_pdf_1_4_data_is_pdf() {
        assertTrue(is_pdf("%PDF-1.4 CONTENT %%EOF\n".getBytes()));

    public void test_invalid_data_is_not_pdf() {
        assertFalse(is_pdf("Hello World".getBytes()));
How to Test if a File is PDF (Java)

About Roger Keays

How to Test if a File is PDF (Java)

Roger Keays is an artist, an engineer, and a student of life. He has no fixed address and has left footprints on 40-something different countries around the world. Roger is addicted to surfing. His other interests are music, psychology, languages, the proper use of semicolons, and finding good food.

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Comment posted by: ET, 6 years ago

doesnt work for me...shows error for all files

Comment posted by: vamsy jyothi, 7 years ago

It is useful for me.